圣经指出,婚姻是神的设立的,包含建立牢固婚姻和家庭关系的蓝图,而且婚姻的盟约是神圣而持久的。圣经也清楚地表明,婚姻是具有法律约束力的公开承诺宣言,是一对男女之间(绝对不是同性之间)的私人盟约,是夫妻必须坚持婚姻的承诺,因此,在婚姻里,夫妻能体验到最真实的属灵,情感和身体上的亲密感,从而使二人成为一体。 创世记2:18-25; 以弗所书5:30-32; 哥林多前书7:3; 马太福音19:4-6; 马可福音10:6-9,12:25; 箴言27:17; 罗马书1}26-27 ,8:29; 希伯来书13:4; 马太福音22:30; 申命记24:5)
十九世纪时摩门教行多妻制,据摩门教说,史密斯是一个不情愿的一夫多妻。史密斯自称天使吩咐他要娶多个妻子,他最初反对这个指示。史密斯说是被天使三次显现吩咐的指示,后来直到一个天使用一把剑指在他面前,并宣言如果他延迟执行该命令,他会杀死史密斯,史密斯才服从。说他是从反对到服从!后来在1852年杨百翰也得启示,可以制定一夫多妻制度。但后来在1890年美国国会禁止多妻制,当时摩门教会第四任会长威尔福德·伍德拉夫(Wilford Woodruff)宣告多妻制不再继续推行 (教义和圣约:132; 官方声明Official Declaration 1)。摩门教的继续性的启示竟先后反覆无常,怎磨可能是从神而来? 而且多妻制也根本不是神的旨意。
(In 1890, when it became clear that Utah would not be admitted to the Union while polygamy was still the practice, church president Wilford Woodruff issued a Manifesto that officially terminated the practice of polygamy.)
Re: https://zh-tw.josephsmithspolygamy.org/开始---摩门教一夫多妻制/
Below from a current website associated with Mormons.
- In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles proclaim that “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” When a man and woman are married in the temple, their family can be together forever. This is a common goal of Latter-day Saints.
- 摩门教会第六任会长,约瑟夫·史密斯 (Joseph F. Smith) 的1904声明阻止了所有关于复数婚姻恢复一夫一妻制的新授权,这是LDS教会眼中唯一可接受的婚姻形式。 1904 when church president Joseph F. Smith disavowed polygamy before Congress and issued a "Second Manifesto", calling for all plural marriages in the church to cease, and established excommunication as the consequence for those who disobeyed. Several small "fundamentalist" groups, seeking to continue the practice, split from the LDS Church, including the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB) and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church). Meanwhile, the LDS Church continues its policy of excommunicating members found practicing polygamy, and today actively seeks to distance itself from fundamentalist groups that continue the practice. On its web site, the church states that "the standard doctrine of the church is monogamy" and that polygamy was a temporary exception to the rule.
- Mormon “Temple Marriage” is also taught as being “absolutely necessary to obtain the highest exaltation in the Kingdom of God” according to Mormon, Milton R Hunter. In clear, unambiguous language he was explaining the teaching of Section 132 of the Mormon book ' Doctrine and Covenants'.
Good references:website: www.mrm.org